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Your tax-deductible donation helps B Come Moore continue to carry its mission forward. Our mission would not be possible without the generous support of businesses and individuals like you.

Ways to Give

Monthly Giving

Our monthly Giving program is an easy and convenient way to support the agency’s work all year round. This automated giving program allows donors to regularly contribute an amount of their choosing via credit card payment or direct debit from their personal or business checking account. Click Donate Now above to enroll online, or contact our office at 800-620-3763 to request an enrollment form.

In-Kind Gifts / Gifts of Services

B Come Moore uses donations of goods and services in a variety of different ways to support the work of the agency. Donations can be used for the direct benefit of our residents, the maintenance of our recovery housing programs or the administration of the agency. We are currently seeking professional service providers (plumbing, construction, HVAC, electrical, painters etc.) willing to donate their time to help NHR maintain and improve its recovery homes. We are also seeking professionals interested in sharing their passion and expertise with our residents for workshops related to holistic wellness and fitness. Please contact us at or Tel. (800) 620-3763 to find out how to give in-kind gifts or gifts of services.

Gift Cards

Gift card donations for food (BJ’s, other grocery stores), gas, Uber/Lyft, Target, Walmart and to online retailers, such as, are always needed and help support our programs with the purchase of food, transportation, drug/alcohol testing supplies, and household items. Please contact us at or Tel. (800) 620-3763 to find out how to give gift cards.

Amazon Smile

You shop and Amazon gives back!  Visit, choose B Come Moore as the charity you’d like to support, and Amazon donates 0.5% of your AmazonSmile purchases to B Come Moore.